Web Applications

Foundational Preparatory Session


You should have an account at (webik). You can connect to webik using following command.

ssh -p 42222 {username}

Content of the ~/public_html/ directory is available at{username}.


There is PHP available at webik.

There is PHP installed on lab computers. You can start development PHP web-server with following command.

php -S


There is a phpMyAdmin and Adminer available.

  • login and password are the same as for your first SSH login
  • your database name is stud_{yourlogin}


You should be able to execute and explain all following steps.

  • Connect to webik and deploy simple HTML-site file.
  • Create another site using PHP.
  • Create a simple dialog using PHP. The dialog should utilize a POST request to same URL the dialog is at. In response to the POST the request PHP script should return a dialog summary. THe dialog must contain at least one field.
  • Create a table in the SQL database and populate it with data.
  • Connect to database using PHP and list all the records in the table.
Questions, ideas, or any other feedback?

Please feel free to use the anonymous feedback form.